Saturday, April 10, 2010

How To Disassociate Yourself From Depression by Adam Khoo

Do you know someone who is always depressed? They may have had bad experiences a long time ago, but they still get upset by these long past incidents?

I had a woman client who told me that her life was full of misery.
When she talked about her bad experiences, she started crying and
got very upset. I found out that she had a pattern of associating
into all her painful memories. So, even though these incidents took
place about five years ago, she still felt extremely miserable
whenever she thought about them.

When I asked her to relate happy experiences in her life, she
thought for a while but couldn't feel anything. She said, 'I don't
feel for these (happy) experiences anymore.' Guess why? She had a
pattern of disassociating from all her happy experiences, and
associating into her negative ones!

No wonder she felt depressed constantly. When I taught her that she
could consciously direct her mind to disassociate from all her bad
experiences and associate into all her happy experiences, she began
to take control over her emotions. The change was quite rapid.

When she thought of her bad experiences and disassociated, she
started to feel the emotional intensity of the pain drop. Then I
got her to start thinking of all her happy experiences and
associating into them! Her face started glowing and she said she
felt a lot better about herself. Since then, she has consciously
been taking charge of the way her brain codes her experiences.

Do you know people who are the complete opposite? We call them the
happy-go-lucky ones. Such people could have had some horrific
experiences but they get over the bad patches very fast. Soon they
are into a positive state and have moved on in life.

At the same time these cheery people can think back to the good
things that happened to them, say five years ago, and feel happy
and excited, all over again.

Why do they feel so differently about their good and bad
experiences from the negative bunch? Again, it is because of the
way the cheery people's brains have coded their memories. They tend
to immediately disassociate from negative events they experience.
Although they learn from their mistakes, they don't feel
emotionally drained thinking about it.

At the same time, they tend to associate or plug into all their
happy positive experiences. So they keep feeling the positive vibes
of happy events, even after years have passed.

This is one of the most important qualities to have in order to be
a successful entrepreneur, chief executive, politician, investor or

And it's something you can use right now to supercharge yourself
towards success and achieving your goals!

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