Thursday, February 11, 2010


This article is about how "ASKING" can help you get whatever you want quicker - be it selling, promotionseeking for pay increase or whatever.

One main reason why people are not getting what they want is that, they don't ask enough.

ASKING is a psychological push-button! said M.R. Kopmeyer. It is the quickest way to get whatever you want. It is the fastest, easiest, surest way to get what you WANT! Why? Because, all people have been taught, trained and “attitude-conditioned” to do what they are ASKED. People have been "conditioned" throughout their upbringing to do what they are ASKED to do. You push the psychological button of ASKING and others respond by doing what you ASK!

But, how many PEOPLE have you asked to help you get whatever you want? Any? A few? A dozen? A hundred? How many? How often?

So, why not start now? ASK! ASK! ASK! You have a lot of ASKING to do to succeed!! The more you ASK, the more you will get! God has promised - "Ask and I shall give you!"

How to ASK Successfully?

To ask, you must:
ASK courteously - ASK in an extremely courteous manner.
ASK expectantly - in the voice and attitude that the other person will gladly do what you courteously and expectantly ASK.
ASK reasonably - This applies to what you ASK and how you ASK.
ASK persuasively. Never DEMAND! Never use the word: “DEMAND”. Never even “sound demanding”.
ASK pleasantly - without pressure. Do not let your voice or manner imply pressure. Pressure creates resistance - and resistance is the exact opposite of what you want. What you should want is an agreement.
ASK politely - Let your voice and manner, in every way, imply that, the other person will be agreeable and co-operative by gladly doing what you ASK.
• ASK firmly. This is the most difficult and probably the most important technique of ASKING successfully because you must give a firm impression that what you ASK is so reasonable, logical and just - that you shall pleasantly persist until you get it!

How to Deal with People Objections?

When a person replies "NO" to what you have "ASKED" it could mean one or a combination of several things. Usually, the only real reason why people do not instantly do what you ASK is that they are not sure that doing what you ASK is best for them. Most "NO" people are just like "MAY BE" people - only they are less timid and more direct. Some people say "NO" just to stall for time to think it over. They've been rushed into decisions before - which they later regretted and that they do not want to develop the habit - so they instantly say "NO" as self-defensive mechanism.

If the "NO" is genuine - ASK WHY? Your genuine surprise will cause the other person instinctively to wonder if perhaps he or she was wrong in saying NO. All you need to do is to assure them and re-assure them until they are sure. And, remember that you need to apply think win/win. Ensure that what you ASK is best for them.

Keep Asking to get what you want! Improve your ASKING methods and the results you get will seem miraculous. ASK MORE and More People. Always have an abundance of contacts. The LAW OF AVERAGE is based on the number of people you ASK. The more people you ASK, the more you will get of WHATEVER you want! And the closer you are toward getting whatever you want. By keep asking, you are making steps forward in achieving your goals.

Ask! ASK! ASK! Often!

Read the Book "Thoughts to build "-M.R.Kopmeyer for more details on the power of asking.

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