Saturday, January 30, 2010

Reframing: The Art of Changing Meaning-Adam Khoo

So, how we represent (frame) our experiences determines how we respond and the outcomes we achieve. Therefore we must learn to constantly frame experiences ways that empower us, and empower the people around us.

When you change the way you represent (frame) something, you totally change the meaning and the emotions associated with that experience. As a result, you change the decisions you make and the actions you take.

You must learn how to create resourceful meanings out of every experience. Successful leaders and entrepreneurs do this to empower themselves and others to reach their goals.The process of turning a negative experience into a positive one is called reframing.

There are two ways you can do this, Content Reframing and Context Reframing.

Content Reframing…
Content reframing is the process of changing a negative experience into a positive one by changing the meaning of the experience. Remember, every event has multiple meanings. The meaning we choose to focus on is what becomes real for us. The best way to do a content reframe is to ask the question,‘What else can this mean?’ ‘How can this benefit or empower me instead of depressing me?’

For example, if the recession hit when you were about to start your business, you could content reframe it by saying,‘Good! This means that business costs, like rental and salaries,will be lower and allow us to break even faster’.Or you could say, ‘Good! This means prospective clients will be more open to listening to suppliers who offer better value for money.’ There are multiple reasons why starting a business in a
recession will be a positive experience!

Context Reframing…

Another way to reframe an experience is to do a context reframe. A context reframe is the process of changing a negative experience into a positive one by changing the context from which it is perceived.

Have you ever had a negative experience only to look back at it five years later and say, ‘That was a blessing in disguise?’ In a different context (i.e. the future), the meaning of that experience changed from bad to good.
In doing a context reframe, you must ask the question, ‘In a different time or place, how would the meaning be beneficial?’ You see, everything that seems bad now, when put into a different time or place, could appear beneficial.

Going back to the first example of starting a business in a recession, you could use a context reframe by saying, ‘When the economy picks up, the company will be positioned to do very well as it has been tested and strengthened by the recession’.

Now, imagine that you, or someone you know, are experiencing the following scenarios. How would you reframe each negative experience to empower that person or yourself?Take some time and think of as many ways as you can to reframe each experience.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

There is No Meaning in Life, Except the Meaning We Choose to Give It.-Adam khoo

What we must understand is that all meaning is context dependant. In other words, there is no meaning in life except the meaning we choose to give it.When we look at things (an experience, an incident, an event) from one perspective, it may seem totally bad. However, when we change the way we look at the same thing (i.e. from a different perspective), the meaning completely changes. It could become totally powerful… for you.

You can also see that any experience in life carries with it multiple meanings. Anything in life has the potential to be either good/positive or bad/negative. It depends on your perspective, the frame in which you are seeing it from.The meaning we choose to attach to an experience is the meaning we create. When we interpret an experience as negative or bad, we will get into a miserable state, take lousy actions (even inaction is a form of lousy action) and produce negative results. At the same time, when we interpret an experience as positive, we get into resourceful states, take positive action, and eventually create positive results.

This can be summarized in a formula that goes


I first came across this wonderful formula in a seminar given by Jack Canfield (co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul). Many people believe that it is the events around us that shape our outcomes. They believe that people who are happier and more successful just happen to experience better events in their lives.

E + R = O (Event + Response = Outcome)

You and I both know that this is totally untrue. It is not the things that happen to us, but rather, how we choose to respond to happenings and external circumstances that ultimately shape our outcomes.

Retrenchment is one of the most commonplace experiences faced by people, in the ups and downs of life. As we saw in the true-life experiences narrated earlier, how a person chooses to responds can either put him in an un-resourceful state, and ultimately create a lousy outcome for him, or he can respond in an empowering way and come out with a positive outcome.

As you well know, we cannot control every single thing that happens to us, but we can control how we choose to respond to it.

For example, if you go sailing, you cannot control where the wind is going to blow. You can complain and blame the wind all you want but it is not going to be of any use. However, you can control how you maneuver the sails, and that will control the outcome of your boat’s direction.

People who succeed and live fulfilling and enriching lives don’t experience better events, they just represent things and respond in a much more powerful way.

We have heard so many stories of people who were born with all kinds of handicaps and despite all the odds stacked against them, they managed to create a life most others can only dream about.

At the same time we know people who, despite being born with all the money, advantages, resources and opportunities chose to make nothing of themselves. In fact, many of them end up destroying their lives.

Continued in next blog Reframing: The Art of Changing Meaning

Is Your Wish a ‘Should’ or a ' Must’ ?

For most people, achieving anything is rarely a must.They would like to lose weight, but it is not a must. They would love to make more money, but it is not a must.. They wish they could take charge of their lives,but it is not a must ,The moment something becomes a ‘should’ instead of a‘must’, you will rarely achieve it. You will always find a way to put it off or to quit the moment you meet resistance.

People like Sylvester Stallone, Steven Spielberg or DonaldTrump who achieve success are not born more focused, more disciplined or more lucky than the average person. What makes them different is that they make their goals a must for themselves.They are not willing to accept anything less than the best.So let me ask you a question. Are your dreams and goals an absolute must or are they just weak desires that you can live without? Have you been truly committed to do whatever it takes in the past or have you quit and given yourself excuses along the way?

Anything You Ever Achieved in the Past, Was a Must.If you have achieved nothing of ‘worth’ up till now,then nothing has ever been a ‘must’ in your life.

Have you ever put off doing certain important things in your life? I’m sure you have. However, have there been things you have put off that you eventually got round to doing? Like writing a report, filing your tax returns or signing up for an exercise program. But one day, you finally finished that report,filed your tax returns, and began that exercise program.Well, what made you get them done eventually? Was it because things got to the stage where it became a ‘must’ for you? You had to get that report done or risk losing a contract and being fired,you had to file your tax returns or risk being fined and sent to jail. You had to lose weight or risk a heart attack.Think about it, all the times in your past when you finally managed to do something really tough that you were proud of,was it a must for you at the time? I’m sure it was.Unfortunately, we end up doing only what is necessary to survive and live a mundane life. Since living an exceptional life is not a must, we never take enough action to do it.

Now, think of all the things you always wanted to do and achieve but never managed to. Think of all the desires and dreams that you’ve put off to a point that you have given up on them.Be honest with yourself. Was it a must for you to have achieved, or something that would have been ‘nice’ to have?Was it achieving an ideal weight? Starting your own business?Achieving a career performance target? Learning a foreign language? Working in a foreign country? Aiming for an MBA?

It should be very obvious that the reason you have not taken action and done whatever it took was because these goals never became a must for you. They were never a necessity that moved all the way up your list of priorities to kick you into action.The only way we will ever achieve our dreams and live an exceptional quality of life is when we raise our ‘level of acceptance’.

                  I here by share some experience how this has worked for me ,this is about how I learned to read the Language (Tamil), Though I am from the Tamil community I was educated in the English medium. There were many Tamil magazines in my home which my father used to read ,Since I was not able to read tamil only I used to see the pictures in the magazines During my studying period in mysore ,I came through books of swami Sukhabodhananda through my roommate. while going through the book I read a sentence-greated history in Tamil Literature by selling millions of book by the Title ”Manase Relax Please”, coincidently the part II articles used to future in the one of the Tamil magazines .As I was much influenced by his books, I was very much eager to read, but I didn’t Know how to read Tamil. I used to think how to read those articles.

                  During my vacations one day I decided to learn  Tamil and I brought How to learn Tamil in 21 days.I started with total involvement and used to read the Day and night. ,used to write and read frequently I used to visualize the letters and when ever there was Opportunity I would try to read the magazines letter by letter,skiping here and there. I used to eat ,drink and sleep with the Language ,After 21 days I was able to read little ,whenever I see any magazines ,books,newspaper, film posters etc I would try to read them after some months of practice I was able to read with ease .Now whenever I see any Tamil Magazines , newspaper my mind would start reading automatically. Now my subconscious has been activated to read automatically.

                         I think I have used many of of the ideas presented in my earlier blogs with out being aware about them earlier like the Thought vibration,Law of attraction,visualisation, Autosuggestion, wish or should to Must laws etc. I am very Fortunate to be motivated  by swami Sukhabodhananda and use must law to learn the Tamil Language .

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The webcheck-

The Positive Music Association (PMA) is about using popular music to improve the quality of people’s lives. We’re about seeing music not only as entertainment but as a means of creating positive change in the world. It’s about using music more intentionally, to inspire, uplift, heal or enlighten. Think of it as medicine or therapy via popular music.

This is music you can use. It has a positive effect on the listener. The benefits of listening to positive music include physical and emotional healing, increased motivation, a sense of connection and unity among others and the natural world, facilitating the process of experiencing grief, sadness, anger or apathy, and an increased sense of well being and joy. Common settings for listening to this music include workshops and retreats, dance and fitness centers, hospitals and hospices, schools, counseling and coaching programs, spiritual communities, and at home.

Wonderful site for listening to the Positive music 24hours,Kindly check the PMA Radio Tab for Listening music on varoius topics


Sunday, January 24, 2010


What is auto-suggestion?
 An auto-suggestion is a statement made in the present tense, of the kind of person you want to be. Auto-suggestions are like writing a commercial to yourself about yourself, for yourself. They influence both your conscious and subconscious mind which in turn influence attitude and behavior.

Auto-suggestions are a way to program your subconscious mind. They can be either positive or negative.
Examples of negative auto-suggestions are:
¨ I'm tired.
¨ I'm not an athlete.
¨ I have a poor memory.
¨ I'm not good at math.

When we repeat to ourselves a negative auto-suggestion, our subconscious mind believes it and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and starts reflecting in our behavior. For example, when I am talking to someone and I forget what I had to say, I tell the other person, "See, I forgot what I wanted to say. I have such a poor memory."

People who come into contact with crime the first time, hate it. With constant exposure they get used to it and if the exposure is long enough, they may embrace it. And they become creators of their own misfortune.

When a person repeats a belief long enough, it sinks into the subconscious and becomes reality. A lie repeated long enough becomes accepted as the truth.

Positive auto-suggestions are being widely used in the field of sports and medicine. Why make positive statements? Because we want to create a picture in our minds of what we want to have rather than what we don't. Any picture that we hold in our mind becomes reality. Auto-suggestions are a process of repetition. A person who repeats a statement long enough lets it sink into the subconscious mind. For example, I am relaxed. I am cool, calm and collected.

Auto-suggestions should not be practiced in a negative way I am not tense. I won't be angry.

Positive statements are made because we think in pictures and not in words. If I say "Don't think of the blue elephant," what is the first picture that comes to your mind? The blue elephant.

If I say "mother," what comes to your mind? A picture of your mother. Did you start spelling m-o-t-h-e-r? Of course not! When a negative word comes in the auto-suggestion, it forms a negative picture which we want to avoid.

Why in the present tense? Because our mind cannot tell the difference between a real experience and an imagined one. For example, parents are expecting their child to come home at 9:30 p.m. but the kid is not home and it is now 1 a.m. What is going through the parents' mind? They are probably hoping everything's okay. "I hope the kid didn't get into an accident." What is happening to their blood pressure? It is going up! This is an imagined experience. The reality could be that the kid is having fun at a party, is irresponsible, and did not get home when he was supposed to.

Now reverse the scenario. Supposing the kid was very responsible and was actually coming home at 9:30 p.m. but got into an accident, and still didn't get home at 1 a.m. What is happening to the parents' blood pressure? It is still going up! The first scenario was an imagined experience. The second one was a real experience but the body's response in both cases was identical. Our mind cannot tell the difference between a real and an imagined experience.

Prepare the Subsconscious
How can we use auto-suggestions to eliminate negative habits and develop positive ones? We have all used auto-suggestions unconsciously. For example, when you have to catch an early morning flight, you automatically tell yourself that you have got to get up. And invariably, you do (sometimes, even without an alarm clock). A prepared subconscious mind has hunches and gut feelings.

Auto-suggestion is a way to program and condition our mind to make a statement into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Auto-suggestion is a repetitive process through which we feed our subconscious with positive statements which translate into reality. Repetition alone is not enough, unless it is accompanied by emotions and feelings.

Auto-suggestions without visualization will not produce results. The first time our mind receives an autosuggestion it rejects it. Why? It is an alien thought, contrary to our belief system. Success would depend on our ability to concentrate and repeat the process.

Steps to follow on auto-suggestions.

1. Go to a spot where you won't be disturbed.

2. Write down your suggestions.

The self-discipline to finish what one starts, is imperative. Auto-suggestion is a powerful character building tool.
Translating Auto-Suggestion into Reality

1. Make a list of your auto-suggestions in the present tense.

2. Repeat auto-suggestions at least twice a day: first thing in the morning and at the end of the day. This is because in the morning, the mind is fresh and receptive and at night you deposit the positive picture into your subconscious overnight.

3. Repeat it consecutively for 21 days until it becomes a habit.

4. Auto-suggestions alone will not work. They need visualization.

Visualization is the process of creating and seeing a mental picture of the kind of thing you want to have or do, or the kind of person you want to be. Visualization goes hand in hand with auto-suggestion. Auto-suggestion without visualization is mechanical repetition and will be ineffective. In order to see results, auto-suggestion must be accompanied by feelings and emotions (visualization).

CAUTION! Auto-suggestion may not be acceptable to the mind the first time you do it because it is an alien thought. For example, if for the past few decades I have believed that I have a poor memory and now all of a sudden, I tell myself, "I have a good memory!", my mind will throw it out, saying, "You liar! You have a bad memory!" Because that is what it has believed up to this point. It will take 21 days to dispel this notion. Why 21 days? Because it takes a minimum of 21 days of conscious, consecutive practice to formulate a habit.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Keeping a Journal by Jim Rohn

If you're serious about becoming a wealthy, powerful, sophisticated, healthy, influential, cultured and unique individual, keep a journal. Don't trust your memory. When you listen to something valuable, write it down. When you come across something important, write it down.

I used to take notes on pieces of paper and torn-off corners and backs of old envelopes. I wrote ideas on restaurant placemats. On long sheets, narrow sheets and little sheets and pieces of paper thrown in a drawer. Then I found out that the best way to organize those ideas is to keep a journal. I've been keeping these journals since the age of twenty-five. The discipline makes up a valuable part of my learning, and the journals are a valuable part of my library.

I am a buyer of blank books. Kids find it interesting that I would buy a blank book. They say, "Twenty-six dollars for a blank book! Why would you pay that?" The reason I pay twenty-six dollars is to challenge myself to find something worth twenty-six dollars to put in there. All my journals are private, but if you ever got a hold of one of them, you wouldn't have to look very far to discover it is worth more than twenty-six dollars.

I must admit, if you got a glimpse of my journals, you'd have to say that I am a serious student. I'm not just committed to my craft, I'm committed to life, committed to learning new concepts and skills. I want to see what I can do with seed, soil, sunshine and rain to turn them into the building blocks of a productive life.

Keeping a journal is so important. I call it one of the three treasures to leave behind for the next generation. In fact, future generations will find these three treasures far more valuable than your furniture.

The first treasure is your pictures. Take a lot of pictures. Don't be lazy in capturing the event. How long does it take to capture the event? A fraction of a second. How long does it take to miss the event? A fraction of a second. So don't miss the pictures. When you're gone, they'll keep the memories alive.

The second treasure is your library. This is the library that taught you, that instructed you, that helped you defend your ideals. It helped you develop a philosophy. It helped you become wealthy, powerful, healthy, sophisticated, and unique. It may have helped you conquer some disease. It may have helped you conquer poverty. It may have caused you to walk away from the ghetto. Your library, the books that instructed you, fed your mind and fed your soul, is one of the greatest gifts you can leave behind.

The third treasure is your journals: the ideas that you picked up, the information that you meticulously gathered. But of the three, journal writing is one of the greatest indications that you're a serious student. Taking pictures, that is pretty easy. Buying a book at a book store, that's pretty easy. It is a little more challenging to be a student of your own life, your own future, your own destiny. Take the time to keep notes and to keep a journal. You'll be so glad you did. What a treasure to leave behind when you go. What a treasure to enjoy today!

* excerpted from "How to Use a Journal" CD series

Friday, January 22, 2010

Transformational Vocabulary by Anthony Robbins

Did you know that the English language contains some 750,000 words? Yet the average person’s working vocabulary consists of 2,000 – 10,000. Put another way, the average person uses from 0.5 to 1.5 per cent of the words at his disposal. With such amazing resources with which to express our feelings and ideas, why should people accept such an impoverished vocabulary?

William Shakespeare used over 24,000 words and, when none would suffice, created his own, many of which remain in usage today.The power of words to shape our individual realities is tremendous. We need carefully to evaluate our own usage of,words and consistently aspire to elevate and improve our vocabulary. We should use words that constantly empower us to think in terms of positivity and excellence.

We Are What We Say
Linguists say that, culturally, we shape and are shaped by our language. Have you ever noticed yourself adopt the habitual vocabulary of someone you associate closely with or admire? Interestingly

Transformational vocabulary is the conscious use of specially- chosen words and phrases to intensify or diminish any emotional state, positive or negative.

Transforming our habitual vocabulary breaks unresourceful patterns, produces totally different feelings, changes our emotional state and allows us to think in a more qualitative and elevated way.

We cause problems for ourselves when we start habitually using words like furious and humiliated. We must consciously evaluate the impact of words we use on our emotional state or we risk creating more emotional pain than is necessary.

simply by changing your habitual vocabulary—the words you consistently use to describe the emotions of your life—you can instantaneously change how you think, how you feel, and how you live. This is the power of what I now call

Transformational Vocabulary—consciously using your words to empower your life.

How does this work?

Imagine that your five senses funnel a series of sensations toyour brain. You are getting visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, and gustatory stimuli, and they are all translated by your sense organs into internal sensations.But how do we know what these images, sounds, and sensations mean? One of the most powerful ways to quickly decide what sensations mean (pain or pleasure?) is to create the labels for them, and these labels are what we know as “words.”However, in our need to make decisions quickly, instead of using all of the words available and finding the most appropriate and accurate description, we form habitual favorites—molds that shape and transform our life experience.

The words we choose—like “depressed,” “humiliated,” “insecure”—may not accurately reflect the actual experience, but the moment we use the word, that label becomes our experience!

For example, several years ago in a business meeting, I received some ratherupsetting news: someone with whom we were negotiating had violated the integrity of our understanding. While this angered and upset me, I couldn’t help but notice how differently the two people sitting next to me responded to the same information. One gentleman was “enraged,” “furious”—his face wasbeet red and he was totally out of control. Another friend seemed hardly moved. When I asked him, “You don’t seem to be upset by this. Aren’t you angry?” He said, “Well, I’m a little peeved. But it’s not worth being upset over.”Now, all three of us had an equal stake in the negotiations, so we should have been impacted equally. How could we respond in such radically different ways?

As I pondered this, I noticed we had all used completely different words to describe the same experience. I was“angry” and “upset,” one man was“furious” and “enraged,” and my friend was “a little peeved.” Peeved? I thought this was the stupidest word I’d ever heard! I would never use such a word to describe my emotions. But then I began to wonder, “What if I used the word ‘peeved’ to describe my emotions? How would I begin to feel?” For fun, I decided to give it shot. I got my first opportunity after a long night flight. I arrived at my hotel physically and emotionally exhausted, and stood at the front desk for 20 minutes while the clerk searched for my name in the computer at a pace that would make a snail impatient! I felt myself getting angry, so I said to the clerk, “I know this isn’t your fault, but right now I’m exhausted and I need to get to my room because I feel myself getting a bit peeved.” The clerk looked at me perplexedly and then broke a smile. I smiled back; my pattern was broken. The emotional volcano that had been building up inside of me instantly cooled. Could just putting a new label on sensations be enough to break my pattern and truly change my experience? Could it really be that easy? What a concept! word “peeved” over and over again,and I found that it immediately lowered my emotional intensity.Within two weeks, it became my first choice in describing my emotions, and found myself no longer getting into extremely angry states at all. By changing my habitual vocabulary, I was transforming my experience.

If we want to change our lives and shape our destiny, we need to consciously select the words we’re going to use, and we need to constantly strive to expand our level of choice.

Transformational Vocabulary gives us the power to change our experience in life by taking the most negative feelings in our lives and lowering their intensity to the point where they no longer bother us, and taking the most positive experiences and moving them to even greater heights of pleasure.

At this point you may be saying, “This is just semantics, isn’t it? What differenc does it make to play with words?” If all you do is change the words, then the experience does not change. But if using the word causes you to break your habitual emotional patterns, then everything changes. Effectively using

Transformational Vocabulary—vocabulary that transforms our emotional experience—breaks unresourceful patterns, makes us smile, produces totally different feelings, changes our state, and allows us to ask more intelligent questions. It’s so simple: the minute you use it, it can immediately increase thequality of your life.

What would your life be like if you could take all your negative emotions and lower their intensity? Or if you could take your most positive emotions and intensify them? Try it right now—write down three words you currently use on a regular basis to make yourself feel lousy (like bored, frustrated, disappointed,angry, humiliated, hurt, sad, etc.).

Then have some fun. Put yourself in a crazy and outrageous state and brainstorm some new words that you could use to either break your pattern or at least lower your emotional intensity in some way. What would happen if instead of saying you feel “humiliated” you began to describe your experience as “a little uncomfortable”? Pick a word that you’ll want to use in place of the old, limitione.

Here are some examples:
Depressed . . . to . . . A Little Down
Disappointed . . . to . . . Under
Lonely . . . to . . . Open for Love
Exhausted . . . to . . . Recharging
Failure . . . to . . . Learning
Frustrated . . . to . . . Fascinated
I Hate . . . to . . .I Prefer
Overloaded . . . to . . . Stretching
Sad . . . to . . . Quiet
Terrible . . . to . . .Different

Transformational Vocabulary also allows you to powerfully intensify your experience of positive emotions. When someone asks how you’re doing, instead of saying “Okay” or “So-so,” knock their socks off by exclaiming, “I feel spectacular"

The three words you use to describe how you’re feeling on a regular basis that are“just okay”—“I’m feeling off,” “I’m fine,” “All right.” Then come up with new ones that will absolutely inspire you.

Here are some fun, empowering suggestions:
All Right . . . to . . . Superb
Determined . . . to . . Unstoppable
Excited . . . to . . . Ecstatic
Fine . . . to . . . Awesome
Good . . . to . . . Dynamite
Happy . . . to . . . Stoked
Interested . . . to . . . Enthralled
Okay . . . to . . . Perfect!
Resourceful . . . to . . . Brilliant
Smart . . . to . . . Gifted
Terrific . . . to . . . Ecstatic

Now it’s your chance. Take control. Notice the words you habitually use, and replace them with ones that empower you. But start today. Write down your words, make your commitment, follow though, and discover what the incredible power of Transformational Vocabulary can accomplish.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What to Say When You Talk to Yourself


You don't have to be crazy to talk to yourself! We all talk to ourselves all of the time, usually without realising it. And most of what we tell ourselves is negative, counterproductive and damaging, preventing us from enjoying a fulfilled and successful life. Shad Helmsetter's simple but profound techniques, based on an understanding of the processes of the human brain, have enabled thousands of people to get back in control of their lives. By learning how to talk to yourself in new ways, you will notice a dramatic improvement in all areas of your life. You will feel better and accomplish more. It will help you achieve more at work and at home, lose weight, overcome fears, stop smoking and become more confident. And it works. Shad Helmsetter, Ph.D, is a bestselling author of many personal growth books, and the leading authority in the field of Self-Talk.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The Power of Negative Self-Talk

Leading behavioral researchers have told us that as much as SEVENTY-SEVEN PERCENT of everything we think is negative, counterproductive, and works against us Year after year, word by word, our life scripts are etched. Layer by layer our selfimages are created. Hundreds, even thousands of times, we tell ourselves the same words and thoughts repeatedly of what we cannot do, cannot and will never accomplish. Repetition is a convincing argument! And as we begin to believe what we are hearing it begins to become true.

If everything you tell yourself about yourself becomes a directive to your subconscious mind, then any time you make a statement about yourself that is negative you are directing your subconscious mind to make you become the person you just described . . . negatively! For example, let’s consider the common problem of not being able to remember names.For twenty-five years you may have said to yourself, “I can never remember names.” Then one evening you go to a party. You are introduced to someone whose name you want to remember and you say to yourself, “I’m going to remember this person’s name.” What happens ten seconds later? You forget the name! Why? Because for the past twenty-five years you have been telling yourself that that’s what you’ll do. You have been PROGRAMMING yourself to forget!

The Good News is, It’s Not Too Late to Change
You can reprogram your mental computer in new, more life enhancing ways which will have a positive impact on your behavior, your attitude, your capabilities, your outcomes.The key to reprogramming our own brains is realizing our alternatives. We have a choice each time we think: to think or react positively or negatively. Pay attention and you’ll begin to hear your inner voice chattering away. Whenever you hear yourself thinking a negative word,phrase, or sentence, immediately translate it into a positive. Whether you “believe” it’s true yet,or not, change your reaction as soon as you recognize its negativity.

Repetition convinces the mind that what you are telling it is true. If these types of sentences and questions have come into your mind for years, the programming is deeply imbedded. In order to discover whether or not you use this type of self-sabotaging Self-Talk,here’s what you can do. It’s easy: over the next few days and weeks, simply pay attention.Listen to yourself. Become aware of what runs through your mind as you chatter to yourself all day long. Well, okay, maybe it’s not easy. But it’s worth the effort.

Begin to notice if you automatically use these words, make such statements, or ask these types of questions of yourself. (If so, be sure not to judge or be angry or critical of your mind. Be objective, detached. Rest assured that it’s okay if this has happened in the past. You didn’t realize the impact your own thoughts were having on you. And you didn’t know you had the choice to change what you say, how you react, what questions you ask yourself. The time has come to revise some of your thinking and create the results you truly desire.)

The Final Step
Each time you notice a self-defeating word, sentence, question surfacing in your mind –
1. Catch it.
2. Write it down.
3. Then, in order to cancel, erase, eliminate, eradicate the negative influence our own selfdefeating thoughts can have on our lives, take each one, one at a time, and make-up a replacement which contains positive, constructive, optimistic, encouraging, or supportive Self-Talk.

Monday, January 18, 2010


The word ‘self-talk’ may sound funny to start with for it might evoke a picture of someone walking down a busy street talking to himself in a nutty kind of way. Of course this is not so.

Actually we all talk to ourselves all the time but on a subconscious level. We may not be aware of it but a lot of actions and decisions we take are a result of subconscious self-talk.

We think no one will hear what we talk within our mind , If we see a person or in a situation we say or Talk within ourselves in the mind with reference to the opinion  we have about that person or situation, There will be a continuous internal dialogue going in the mind.

The problem with most of us is that we aren’t aware of the impact of our own thinking on our lives, our health ,our circumstances, and indeed, on our own minds. If you tell yourself (frequently) that you or your life circumstances are getting worse in some way,watch out! You’re programming that thought to come true whether you want it to or not.

In order to examine your own thinking, first consider what you are saying all day long as you continuously talk to yourself. Notice the words you use, become aware of the sentences you form in your mind, especially pay attention to those words and thoughts which come up automatically again and again.

You can do anything you want to do within your own mind. Think about how you would like to have things go and re-program your self-talk to insure that this outcome will occur.

First things first. Let’s examine our own self-talk.
You’ve got to catch yourself in the act of talking away. Not to pass judgment, blame, or “make yourself wrong” but simply to create an awareness of your self-talk. Once you notice a particular habitual thought pattern, examine it as if from a distance. Step back, be objective, and consider whether or not that thought serves your best interests, or sabotages your future outcomes.

Do YOU recognize any of the following statements as your own?
“I can’t remember.” “I always forget.” “I have a terrible memory.” “My mind is going, I must be getting old.” “I’m so stupid.” “I can never remember names.” “I’m just no good at remembering things anymore.” “I may as well give up, I’ll never be able to remember that anyway.” “There I go again; I do this every time.”

Emerging research shows that there are indelible links between what we say to ourselves and what happens to us.“What we put into our brains is what we will get back out”. Whether we realize it or not, we’ re all engaged in a nearly constant subconscious dialogue with ourselves.

Our behavior, feelings, sense of self-esteem, and even our level of stress are influenced by our inner speech.

The subconscious will work hard to manifest whatever you tell it. So if you are frequently programming your mind with statements such as “I’m becoming more forgetful all the time” or “I can never remember names” or “I keep forgetting where I put things” – you’re increasing the probability that it will all become what’s true for you. You are implementing the law of the “self fulfilling prophesy”.

What you expect to happen is far more likely to happen. The brain is like a computer and a computer’ s capabilities are strictly determined by its programming. Program it poorly and GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out); program it properly, and it’s at your service for accomplishing incredible things…………….. to be continued

The Only Power That You Will Ever Need

I often hear people complain that they lack the ability, resources, talent or power to make their life the way they want. ” I don’t have the money”, ” I don’t have the time”, ” I don’t have the support” or ” I don’t have the opportunity” etc…

It is true that all of us are born under different circumstances. i.e. some of us are born rich, while others are born poor. Some of us are born with loving and encouraging parents while others are abandoned at birth. Some of us are born physically strong, while others are physically weak.

However, I believe that God gave us all ONE POWER. No matter your race, family background, nationality, we all have this POWER given to us. This POWER can be used to transform our life into anything we want it to be. This POWER can be used to achieve any dream we want or it can be used to destroy our life.

This POWER I am referring to is the power to CHOOSE. From the time you wake up in the morning till the time you go to bed, you have the opportunity to make thousands of choices every second.

It is the CHOICES you make every hour of every day that constantly shape the direction of you life. Think of all the choices you made (consciously and subconsciously) since you woke up this morning. You had the choice to wake up early and do a workout or choose to oversleep and get up at the last minute.

You chose the kind of food you put into your mouth. You chose what to read when you looked at the newspapers, Internet or TV (did you read the finance section, lifestyle section etc…).

You have a Choice in Life. So, Choose to Win!

So you see, You can choose to be a winner or choose to be a loser. You can choose to be rich and successful in your future or choose to be poor and unhappy. You can choose to be lazy or choose to be motivated.

Success and happiness is not something that just happens to you by accident. It is a choice that you make.

Now, you may be thinking to yourself, ‘wait a minute…’ ‘ There are many things in my life that I had no choice over!’ I did not choose my parents. I could not choose to be born rich instead of poor nor could I choose to be smart instead of slow, good looking instead of average.

Yes, while you may have no choice over what happens to you in life (I call it the outer world), but you have 100% choice over your own THOUGHTS and ACTIONS (I call this your inner world). Your thoughts and actions are what really matter because they are the ones that determine your success, wealth, health and happiness.

By choosing the right thoughts and actions, you have the POWER to change what happens in the outer world. You have the POWER to achieve any result that you want!

When You Change Your Inner World, The Outer World Will Follow

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The vision Board


A vision board is simply a visual representation or collage of the things that you want to have, be, or do in your life. It consists of a poster or foam board with cut-out pictures, drawings and/or writing on it of the things that you want in your life or the things that you want to become. The purpose of a vision board is to activate the law of attraction to begin to pull things from your external environment that will enable you to realize your dream. By selecting pictures and writing that charges your emotions with feelings of passion, you will begin to manifest those things into your life.


Your personal vision board is only limited by the extent of your own creativity. Some  have produced simple vision boards and others have made vision boards that could probably sell at an art show for hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. Having artistic ability is not a prerequisite for creating a functional vision board however and the procedures I’ve outlined below can be used by anyone.

The general elements that a well-designed vision board should include are:

Visual. Your subconscious mind works in pictures and images, so make your vision board as visual as possible with as many pictures as you can. You can supplement your pictures with words and phrases to increase the emotional response you get from it.

Emotional. Each picture on your vision board should evoke a positive emotional response from you. The mere sight of your vision board should make you happy and fuel your passion to achieve it every time you look at it.

Strategically-placed. Your vision board should be strategically placed in a location that gives you maximum exposure to it. You need to constantly bath your subconscious mind with it’s energy in order to manifest your desires quicker than you hope.

Personal. Negative feelings, self-doubt, and criticism can damage the delicate energy that your vision board emits. If you fear criticism or justification of your vision board from others, then place it in a private location so it can only be seen by yourself.

1.Decide the main theme of your board. It may be based on something specific you wish to accomplish or obtain, or it may be a general idea of everything that makes you happy.

2.Find pictures that correspond with your theme, either from old magazines, photographs, or from the  Internet.

3.Type or write some affirmations that correspond with your theme.

4.Glue your pictures and affirmations to your poster board and pin them to your cork board.

5.Hang your vision board in a place you will see every day.

6.View your board at least once a day, and focus on the objects, sayings and theme of your board.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Subconscious Mind Power

Please see below the videos on subconscious Mind,Learn how it can be used for the growth of us and others.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Power of subconscious Mind

Our brain is "divided" into two sections: the conscious and the subconscious. You've heard scientists say that we only use 10% of our mind, mostly conscious. The subconscious is much bigger and more powerful. This section of the brain controls about 90% of the rest of our brain. Can you imagine how your life would change if you used the power of subconscious mind to it's fullest? Yes, we can use the magic power of subconscious mind to improve our lives. 

What does our subconscious do?
The subconscious mind is there to protect us, to keep us alive. Everything we experience in life with our five senses, all that we can see, hear, feel, taste or smell is sent for future processing and storage to our powerful subconscious mind.

Our subconscious mind creates a reference to these events. Let's say you’ve had some negative experience in your life, so your conscious mind has sent input of that experience to your subconscious mind for processing and storage. If you ever face the similar event later in your life, your subconscious mind will automatically recall the negative experience and will send you sensations, emotions and images. It remembers your past experiences and how to respond to any input from all your senses and your thoughts.

Good example of it is hot kettle. Subconscious mind remembers that kettle can be hot and can hurt; otherwise we would keep on making the same mistakes.

Our subconscious mind is multitasking and can do several automated tasks at the same time as walking, breathing, keeping the heart beating etc.

It works for us 24 hours a day without taking rest.

Another great example of the power of subconscious mind is driving your car. When you drive a car, you do it automatically without even thinking how to do it, you just drive.

The good thing is that we can use the power of subconscious mind to achieve out goals and dreams. You can program your subconscious mind to improve any aspect of your life.

All your thoughts, actions and experiences that are received through conscious mind, are recorded and stored in subconscious mind, but the subconscious mind does not know the difference in what you perceive as reality and what is imagined. The subconscious mind can only think literally. It also does not understand the humor.

The great tool to program the subconscious mind for the success is visualization. It allows you to consciously attract what you want. You need to visualize images of positive desired result on a daily basis. Include feeling and emotions. 

Thinking only good and positive thoughts is also very effective way of programming of subconscious mind. You have the power to choose your thoughts. Be aware of your thoughts, control them. Whatever you think, your conscious mind sends to subconscious mind and your subconscious mind accepts it as true. Don't say "I will fail", "I can't do this", and "I can't afford it". Your subconscious mind accepts these statements as true.

Train your conscious mind to think of success, happiness, joy, prosperity, health and love. 

Use the power of your subconscious mind to bring into your life success, money, a job, a house, a car or anything else. Repeat your positive affirmations daily. Feel the joy of achievement and success as you repeat them to yourself. 

We were born with the power of subconscious mind; we just never used it to it's fullest.

If you have a strong desire to succeed, you will unleash the power of subconscious mind.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Discover unique ideas on personal growth, personal development, spirituality, life enhancement, and how to LIVE your Life's Dreams! At Dreams Alive, their mission revolves around knowing that If you can Dream it, you can Live it! Our commitment to you is to help you unlock your hidden potential and live the life that you truly desire.

You have capacities and talents within you that can change your life, alter your destiny, and make this world a better place to live for our children. How do I know this? Because every person comes into this life with a purpose and unique tools to accomplish that purpose. It's not a question of "Do you have these talents and capacities within you?", it's a question of how you choose to notice them and use them to create your destiny and truly LIVE your LIFE's Dreams

"Even the longest journey begins with the first step"

I challenge you to make today a turning point, a defining moment in your life.

Please checkout this nice website:

The law of Attraction Part II

When you focus your thoughts on something you want, and you
hold that focus, you are in that moment summoning what you
want with the mightiest power in the Universe. The law of attraction
doesn't compute "don't" or "not" or "no," or any other words
of negation. As you speak words of negation, this is what the law
of attraction is receiving:

"I don't want to spill something on this outfit."
"I want to spill something on this outfit and I want to spill
more things."

"I don't want to be delayed."
"I want delays."

"I don't want that person to be rude to me."
"I want that person and more people to be rude to me."

"I don't want the restaurant to give away our table."
"I want restaurants to give away our tables."

"I can't handle all this work."
"I want more work than I can handle."

"I don't want to catch the flu."
"I want the flu and I want to catch more things."

"I don't want to argue."
"I want more arguing."

Whether we realize it or not, we are thinking most of the time. If
you are speaking or listening to someone, you are thinking. If you
are reading the newspaper or watching television, you are thinking.

When you recall memories from your past, you are thinking.
When you are considering something in your future, you are
thinking. When you are driving, you are thinking. When you arc
getting ready in the morning, you are thinking. For many of us,
the only time we are not thinking is when we are asleep; however,
the forces of attraction are still operating on our last thoughts as
we fall asleep. Make your last thoughts before going to sleep good

Creation is always happening. Every time an individual has
a thought, or a prolonged chronic way of thinking, they're in
the creation process. Something is going to manifest out of
those thoughts.

What you are thinking now is creating your future life. You create
your life with your thoughts. Because you are always thinking, you
are always creating. What you think about the most or focus on the
most is what will appear as your life.

Like all the laws of nature, there is utter perfection in this law. You create
your life. Whatever you sow, you reap! Your thoughts are seeds,
and the harvest you reap will depend on the seeds you plant.
If you are complaining, the law of attraction will powerfully bring
into your life more situations for you to complain about. If you are
listening to someone else complain and focusing on that sympathizing
with them, agreeing with them, in that moment, you are
attracting more situations to yourself to complain about.

The law is simply reflecting and giving back to you exactly what
you are focusing on with your thoughts. With this powerful knowledge,
you can completely change every circumstance and event in
your entire life, by changing the way you think.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The law of attraction Part-I

We live in a universe in which there are laws, just as there is a law of gravity,there is law of Attraction.

• The Great Secret of Life is the law of attraction.

• The law of attraction says like attracts like,so when you think athought,you are also attracting like   thoughts  to you.

Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency. As you think
thoughts, they are sent out into the Universe, and they magnetically
attract all like things that are on the same frequency. Everything sent
out returns to the source—you.

• You are like a human transmission tower, transmitting a frequency with your thoughts.

• Your current thoughts are creating your future life. What you think about the most or focus on the most will appear as your life.

• Your thoughts become things.

You are the most powerful magnet in the Universe! You contain a magnetic power within you that is more powerful than anything in this world, and this unfathomable magnetic power is emitted through your thoughts.

The law of attraction says like attracts like, and so as you think a thought, you are also attracting like thoughts to you.

Here are more examples you may have experienced of the law of attraction in your life:

Have you ever started to think about something you were not happy about, and the more you thought about it the worse it seemed? That's because as you think one sustained thought, the law of attraction immediately brings more like thoughts to you. In a matter of minutes, you have gotten so many like unhappy thoughts coming to you that the situation seems to be getting worse. The more you think about it, the more upset you get.

You may have experienced attracting like thoughts when you think of person you like and then suddenly the person may be in front or they may give a ring as we usually say I was thinking of you just now ,you are here or you called me.The Person’s thought just kept playing over and over in your mind. even though you may not have realized it, you gave your full attention and focus of thought to it. As you did that, you were powerfully attracting more like thoughts of that person and so the law of attraction moved into action and delivered more thoughts of that person over and over again.

Your life right now is a reflection of your past thoughts. That includes
all the great things, and all the things you consider not so
great. Since you attract to you what you think about most, it is easy
to see what your dominant thoughts have been on every subject of
your life, because that is what you have experienced. Until now!
Now you are learning The Secret, and with this knowledge, you
can change everything.

Thoughts become things!

Through this most powerful law, your thoughts become the things
in your life. Your thoughts become things! Say this over to yourself
and let it seep into your consciousness and your awareness. Your
thoughts become things!

What most people don't understand is that a thought has
a frequency. We can measure a thought. And so if you're
thinking that thought over and over and over again, if you're
imagining in your mind having that brand new car, having
the money that you need, building that company, finding your
soul mate... if you're imagining what that looks like, you're
emitting that frequency on a consistent basis.

Thoughts are sending out that magnetic signal that is
drawing the parallel back to you.

"The predominant thought or the mental attitude is the magnet, and the law is that like attracts like, consequently, the mental attitude will invariably attract such conditions as correspond to its nature."

Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency. As you
think, those thoughts are sent out into the Universe, and they
magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency.
Everything sent out returns to the source. And that source is

Think of it this way: we understand that a television station's transmission
tower broadcasts via a frequency, which is transformed
into pictures on your television. Most of us don't really understand
how it works, but we know that each channel has a frequency,
and when we tune into that frequency we see the pictures on our
television. We choose the frequency by selecting the channel, and
we then receive the pictures broadcast on that channel. If we want
to see different pictures on our television, we change the channel
and rune into a new frequency.

You are a human transmission tower, and you are more powerful
than any television tower created on earth. You are the most powerful
transmission tower in the Universe. Your transmission creates
your life and it creates the world. The frequency you transmit
reaches beyond cities, beyond countries, beyond the world. It reverberates
throughout the entire Universe. And you are transmitting
that frequency with your thoughts!

The pictures you receive from the transmission of your thoughts
are not on a television screen in your living room, they are the pictures
of your life! Your thoughts create the frequency, they attract
like things on that frequency, and then they are broadcast back to
you as your life pictures. If you want to change anything in your
life, change the channel and change the frequency by changing
your thoughts.

The law of attraction is a law of nature. It is impersonal and it does
not see good things or bad things. It is receiving your thoughts and
reflecting back to you those thoughts as your life experience. The law
of attraction simply gives you whatever it is you are thinking about.

The law of attraction is really obedient. When you think of the
things that you want, and you focus on them with all of your
intention, then the law of attraction will give you exactly
what you want, every time. When you focus on the things
that you don't want — "I don't want to be late, I don't want
to be late"—the law of attraction doesn't hear that you don't
want it. It manifests the things that you're thinking of and
so it's going to show up over and over and over again. The
law of attraction is not biased to wants or don't wants. When
you focus on something, no matter what it happens to be, you
really are calling that into existence.

The law of attraction is the law of creation. Quantum physicists tell
us that the entire Universe emerged from thought! You create your
life through your thoughts and the law of attraction, and every
single person does the same. It doesn't just work if you know about
it. It has always been working in your life and every other person's
life throughout history. When you become aware of this great law,
then you become aware of how incredibly powerful you are, to be
able to THINK your life into existence.

The law of attraction is always working, whether you believe
it or understand it or not.

Part 2 to continue……….

Saturday, January 09, 2010

The power of visualization

One of the techniques that Morris Goodman and Dr. Ian Gawler used
to crystallize their beliefs and aid their spontaneous
recovery was through the use of creative visualization.
Goodman, for example, kept visualizing himself in the future,
fully recovered and walking around with no mechanical aid. He
kept visualizing himself having total control over his reflexes
and bodily movements.

But can seeing pictures in our mind actually affect our
physiological responses? Absolutely!

In fact, medical science has now shown that the human
mind cannot tell the difference between actual experience and
what is vividly imagined. Whether you physically see, hear,
touch or taste something or you vividly imagine it, the same
neurological impulses are activated within our nervous system.

Many people have made use of the power of visualization to help
them to perform at their peak. This is especially so in the area of
competitive sports where this technique is known as ‘mental

For many years, the Russians had always won and dominated
the gymnastics event in the Olympic games. The Americans
trained just as hard and could not understand how the Russians
were always able to perform at near perfection. It was much later
that the Americans found out that the Russians had used sports
psychologists to teach their athletes to train mentally as well as

Besides physically practicing, the Russians’ secret was in
spending a few hours a day to visualize themselves doing the
perfect jumps, twists and landings. It was this that allowed them
to tune their performances to near perfection! Today, all top
athletes use the power of visualization to perform at their peak.
In his book, Tiger Woods talks about how he visualizes himself
hitting the perfect ball and watching it land, even before he
actually swings his club.

Friday, January 08, 2010

The Miracle Man- who applied the belief system

In Continuation on the subject of belief ,The story below will  give more insight on this .

In 1981, Insurance boss Morris Goodman was piloting a plane when
it crashed. His injuries were extremely severe: his neck was broken
in two places (the first and second vertebrae), the nerves to his
diaphragm had been severed and his diaphragm itself was crushed so
badly that he lost his ability to swallow, to speak or to breathe without
a respirator. The rest of his nerves were damaged so badly that he
suffered a disfunctioning of the kidney and liver and was paralyzed
from the neck down.

His doctors gave him a 1 in 1000 chance of surviving. Even if he did
survive, they were convinced that he would never regain control over
his bodily functions and would have to remain in a wheel chair for the
rest of his life.

What saved Morris’s life was his belief and faith that he would find
a way to cure himself and walk out of the hospital with no mechanical
aid. His doctors and nurses tried to convince him that it was
impossible and that he was not being realistic about his injuries.
‘I didn’t care what medical science expected. I cared what I expected.
And that was to beat the odds and walk out of the hospital a normal
man.’ Morris said.

Through the use of creative visualization and intense physiotherapy,
Morris’s recovery baffled his doctors as he started gaining control
over his breathing & swallowing reflexes. He then started to gain
control over his limbs and the rest of his body. Within six months,
he had attained near full recovery and was able to walk out of the
hospital without the use of any mechanical aid.

To this day, Morris Goodman still goes around the life insurance
industry, giving inspirational talks about the power of beliefs on
performance. Many books and audio programs have been authored
on this person they term the ‘miracle man’.

Another Miracle Man, so dubbed by Newsweek International
(Australian Edition) in their cover story in 2003, is Australian vet
Dr Ian Gawler.

Gawler, who cured himself of final stage cancer (he had one leg
amputated below the kneecap), went on to help others with a 10-day
Cancer retreat program where ‘creative visualisation’ is one of the
techniques he teaches his cancer clients (many of whom cancer
specialists had given up on), with incredible success. Now in his fifties,
Gawler also recently climbed Mt Everest with his one good leg.

In Gawler’s retreat, the holistic and natural approach to cancer also
utilizes yoga and/or qi gong, both of which use breath control and
meditation (mind control) to heal and boost the immune system.
And last but not least, an organic vegetarian diet.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Breaking the Beliefs of the World

In 1954, one such person broke such a mental barrier that was
set in long distance running. For hundreds of years, runners had
never been able to run one mile in less than four minutes. Many
had attempted this feat but had fallen short. As a result, it was
generally believed, and supposedly backed up as fact by the
medical community, that it was not possible for a human being
to run that fast!

Roger Bannister, a postgraduate student from Oxford
University set a goal to be the first to break this ‘impossible
record’. The fact was that he was nowhere near being the best
runner of his time. There were many other runners better than
he. But this didn’t deter Roger. Besides physical training, he
engaged in a lot of mental training. He kept visualizing himself
breaking the four-minute time barrier.

Then, on May 6, 1954, Roger Bannister stunned the world
by running the mile in three minutes and 54 seconds. That was
not the most amazing thing. What was truly amazing was that,
within a year, 37 other runners had broken his record. Within
the next three years, over 300 runners had repeated the same

But why was it that for so long, nobody had even come close
to achieving it? The minute an ‘ordinary’ runner did it, then so
many others could. This surely proves that what holds many
people back in achieving their goals and fullest potential are not
their lack of capability, but their beliefs

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon

It s Monday morning and George walks out the front door to his car and a flat tire. But this is the least of his problems. His home life is in shambles and his team at work is in disarray. With a big new product launch coming up in 2 weeks for the NRG-2000 he has to find a way to get it together or risk losing his marriage and job. Forced to take the bus to work, George meets a unique kind of bus driver and an interesting set of characters (passengers) that over the course of 2 weeks share the 10 rules for the ride of his life and attempt to help him turn around his work and team and save his job and marriage from an almost inevitable destruction.

In the mode of other best selling business fables The Energy Bus, by Jon Gordon, takes readers on an enlightening and inspiring ride that reveals 10 secrets for approaching life and work with the kind of positive, forward thinking that leads to true accomplishment - at work and at home. Everyone faces challenges. And every person, organization, company and team will have to overcome negativity and adversity to define themselves and create their success. No one goes through life untested and the answer to these tests is positive energy "the kind of positive energy consisting of vision, trust, optimism, enthusiasm, purpose, and spirit that defines great leaders and their teams. Drawing upon his experience and work with thousands of leaders, sales professionals, teams, non-profit organizations, schools, and athletes, Gordon infuses this engaging story with keen insights, actionable strategies and a big dose of positive infectious energy. For managers and team leaders or anyone looking to turn negative energy into positive achievement The Energy Bus provides a powerful roadmap to overcome common life and work obstacles and bring out the best in yourself and your team. When you get on The Energy Bus you ll enjoy the ride of your life!

Download Link:(1.3 MB)

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

20 Tips for a Positive New Year - John Gordon

1. Stay Positive. You can listen to the cynics and doubters and believe that success is impossible or you can know that with faith and an optimistic attitude all things are possible.

2. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement: My purpose is_______________________.

3. Take a morning walk of gratitude. It will create a fertile mind ready for success.

4. Instead of being disappointed about where you are think optimistically about where you are going.

5. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.

6. Transform adversity into success by deciding that change is not your enemy but your friend. In the challenge discover the opportunity.

7. Make a difference in the lives of others.

8. Believe that everything happens for a reason and expect good things to come out of challenging experiences.

9. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.

10. Mentor someone and be mentored by someone.

11. Live with the 3 E's. Energy, Enthusiasm, Empathy.

12. Remember there’s no substitute for hard work.

13. Zoom Focus. Each day when you wake up in the morning ask: “What are the three most important things I need to do today that will help me create the success I desire?” Then tune out all the distractions and focus on these actions.

14. Instead of complaining focus on solutions. It’s the key to innovation.

15. Read more books than you did in 2009. I happen to know of a few good ones.

16. Learn from mistakes and let them teach you to make positive changes.

17. Focus on “Get to” vs “Have to.” Each day focus on what you get to do, not what you have to do. Life is a gift not an obligation.

18. Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements:

• I am thankful for __________.

• Today I accomplished____________.

19. Smile and laugh more. They are natural anti-depressants.

20. Enjoy the ride. You only have one ride through life so make the most of it and enjoy it.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Take Absolute Responsibility for Your Results! by Adam Khoo

"He made me angry."

"My kids are driving me crazy."

"My unappreciative boss is driving me to a nervous breakdown".

The statements above have one thing in common; blaming others and
not taking responsibility for one's state

As long as blame is cast outside ourselves, our states will be out
of our control. Most people allow their emotions to run their lives
which results in them feeling powerlessness and helplessness.

If you are upset, you are choosing to be upset. If you are excited,
you are choosing to be excited. Remember, no one can affect how you
feel unless you allow them to. The moment you realize this, you can
choose to feel differently.

For example, if you get fired unfairly, you can choose to feel
depressed and wallow in self-pity. You can also choose to be all
fired up making a success of yourself, letting your ex company
regret their decision in firing you!

In fact, some of the greatest companies in the world were built by
men who were motivated to get back at their ex-companies for firing

The most famous example is what Lee Iacocca did when Henry Ford 11
fired him (a personality clash). He simply left and joined a rival
motor company (Chrysler), turned that ailing company into a direct
rival and competitor of Ford.

Another example is the actions that Ivana Trump took when real
estate magnet Donald Trump dumped her for a younger woman. Instead
of drowning her 'loss' with alcohol, anti depressants and wrecking
her health, she made herself more glamorous publicly announcing to
other wronged wives, "Don't get mad, get even!" and eventually
proceeded to wrestling a mega settlement from him.

A point to take note off, taking absolute responsibility for
whatever happens does not mean blaming oneself. Taking
responsibility and blaming yourself is totally different. Some
people blame themselves for everything - and that is not a useful

By blaming yourself, you beat yourself up only to find yourself
feeling helpless and depressed. "It's my fault that I'm so stupid,
I really screwed up again."

This is not what taking responsibility is all about. Taking
responsibility means acknowledging the fact that the choices you
made in the past have contributed to your present situation.

Instead of feeling bad, place yourself in a state of possibility by
putting the choice back in your own hands.

The key elements that drive our actions and results are the
emotional states we experience. When we feel excited and motivated,
we are more likely to take action that will lead to great results.

But when we are upset and depressed, we rarely make good decisions
or do anything productive

Successful individuals choose to feel empowered and positive even
in the most dire of circumstances. This is how they feel constantly
motivated to improve their situation.

People who are in control of their lives believe they create their
world. If everything is going great, then they created it, not
anyone else. If things are not going well, then they created it as
well. From this moment onwards, start taking responsibility for
your feelings and results.