Tuesday, May 01, 2012

The Ebook:The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy



It’s been awhile since I have  posted  any  Blogs . That time has come to an end as I present to you The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. This is one of the book which, I ordered online after recommend by my friend,.So without further ado…..

You always hear about how great compound interest is. The theory is that as interest you earn is compounded upon itself, you will earn more interest and your money will grow (compound) more quickly. In The Compound Effect, Mr. Hardy relates this belief to all aspects of life. By making small, productive changes to your life, they will compound upon themselves making you more successful in everything you do. It’s really a simple concept and yet it blew me away. I never thought about compounding in terms of my life.

The belief is that in the short-term, you may, and probably won’t, see any changes because of the positive changes you have made. But in the long run, the results will be dramatic. Going back to compounding interest, if you earn interest on a one rupee, in the short-term, you won’t really see an increase because the increase is so small. But over time, the increase is huge

The book also discusses how your life is made up of choices and that everything that happens to you is because of the choices you make. These choices also manifest with your habits. If you make bad choices and have bad habits, you will not be successful in any area of life. You need to make good choices and become aware of, and change your bad habits. This book helps you do both.

Darren Hardy is a successful entrepreneur and who dedicated his life to success. Hence, you can imagine the kind of book he writes. Especially when a book is authored by a successful person with his experiences, anecdotes, and proven strategies you can imagine the kind of impact it will have on you. He unveils the formula for success as: “Small, Smart Choices + Consistency + Time = RADICAL DIFFERENCE”

The book is very easy to read (I read it in about two days) and Today I started again reading ,it is extremely practical. I highly recommend reading this book .

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