Monday, March 22, 2010

The Universal Laws By Brain Tracy

1.The Law of Responsibility
You are where you are and what you are because of you. You are fully responsible for everything you are, everything you have and everything you become.

2. The Law of Mind
All causation is mental. Your thoughts become your realities. Your thoughts are creative. You become what you think about most of the time. Think continually about the things you really want, and refuse to think about the things you don't want.

3. The Law of Mental Equivalency
The world around you is the physical equivalent of the world within you. Your main job in life is to create within your own mind the mental equivalent of the life you want to live.Imagine your ideal life, in every respect. Hold that thought until it materializes around you.

4.The Law of Correspondence
Your outer life is a reflection of your inner life. There is a direct correspondence between the way you think and feel on the inside and the way you act and experience on the outside.Your relationships, health, wealth and position are mirror images of your inner world.

5.The Law of Belief
Whatever you believe, with feeling, becomes your reality. You do not believe what you see; you see what you have already chosen to believe. You must identify, then remove the self-limiting beliefs that hold you back.

6.The Law of Attraction
You continually attract into your life the people, ideas and circumstances that harmonize with your dominant thoughts, either positive or negative. You can be, have and do more because you can change your dominant thoughts.

7.The Law of Motivation
Everything you do or say is triggered by your inner desires, drives and instincts. These may be conscious or unconscious. The key to success is to set your own goals and determine your own motivations.

8.The Law of Subconscious Activity
Your subconscious mind makes all your words and actions fit a pattern consistent with your self-concept and your innermost beliefs about yourself. Your subconscious mind will move you forward or hold you back depending on how you program it.

9. The Law of Expectations
Whatever you expect, with confidence, tends to materialize in the world around you. You always act in a manner consistent with your expectations, and your expectations influence the attitudes and behaviors of the people around you.

10.The Law of Concentration
Whatever you dwell upon grows and expands in your life. Whatever you concentrate upon and think about repeatedly increases in your world. Therefore, you must focus your thinking on the things you really want in your life.

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